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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  January 18, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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hers endorsed soups but my husband looks the way he did 20 years ago. well that's great. you haven't seen him... my other can is ringing. progresso. hey can you tell my wife to relax and enjoy the view? (announcer) progresso. you gotta taste this soup. soft! hard! [ male announcer ] how do you decide between crunchy and soft tacos? why don't we have both? [ male announcer ] old el paso. hard and soft tacos. ♪ feed your fiesta. we believe that the criminal justice system is broken. i believe that we incarcerate too many people. >> one on one with george gascon. he cracked the code thanks to an ipad security breach. see the bay area man who was able to get hold of some personal information he never should have seen. >> it's something that can't be answered.
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it's today's society, the way people are being and the drugs have a lot to do with everything. >> what started with a drug bust. potential explosives in the east bay and a twist to that investigation. good evening, i'm jessica aguirre. >> i'm tom sinkovitz. investigators have now left the scene without answering a few key questions. were they pipe am bombs? the discovery was made outside the affordable storage unit on southbound interstate 680 just south of highway 4. our george kitiyama. george, this started as a drug bust? >> reporter: yes, it did. they were able to test the powder. they found it was the kind of
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pi pipe. what you hear is a pipe bomb. four of them were found with the largest one 8 inches by 3 inches. the bomb squad says it's enough to blow up the whole building. the manager says he's founds are placed at his place. >> we are very safe and secure. and for something like this to happen, you know. >> reporter: the narcotics enforcement team said a woman was at the affordable storage facility. when they came to check for drugs, they found a backpack. >> at that point everything was stopped. >> reporter: the bomb squad unit was called out with its robot. ten people were evacuated from nearby buildings.
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police stopped. despite this, he says he likes working here. >> society and drugs have a lot to do with everything. >> reporter: now, a woman who is renting the space has been arrested on bomb charges, two others on live charges. >> thank you, george. an amber alert still in effect tonight for a 4-year-old who may end up right here in the bay area. the boy was taken in patterson. he's described as hispanic. last seen wearing dark pants and a light blue shirt. the suspect, 27-year-old say han. he's 5'9" with which you'll have
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to spot that car. a san francisco man accused of hacking into apple's network says he only wanted to reisrael a space breach. having michael bloomberg and diane sawyer, the fbi says he went too far. we have more on federal charges with jean. jean, there's a everyone using a mobile device in this one. >> reporter: that's right. daniel says he calls himself an internet troll. he wanted people to know that the i scad mire the 26-year-old leaves a federal court in new jersey claiming his
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innocence. but the doff and the servers to still 120' e-mail addresses. mobile device security advertises like lookout are pepping up to protect zurms tht he managed to nab some contacts, michael bloomberg, diane sawyer and rahm emanuel. they didn't catch on until they posted wash out, gawkers. >> when you think about this. >> experts say protecting financial information on your mobile device is a must. spitler is out on bail.
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a judge ordered him to stay off computers unless at work. something the squurt. the manager says he's welcome back. >> pretty ideal tenant. quiet, clean he's facing charges that could send him to prison for year years. reporting live in. tonight council members put off discussing the creation of a $20,000 fund to help city employees pay for sex change operations. insurance plans won't pay for the surgeries. berkeley officials learned that back in 2007 when she vetted to include sex-change operations as part of the city's big issue.
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it's on hold until february. fights and other problems are prompting city officials in walnut creek to further try to regulate bars and restaurants. tonight the city council heard recommendations of how to cut down on the recent rush of incidents in that east bay community. an ad hoc community suggests strict or cutoff times only at establishments exempt from the permit rules. that means all 50 bars and restaurants in walnut creek would have to stop serving alcohol well below 2:00 a.m. possibly even at midnight. bar workers are creating to that development. >> although our rent won't go down, we're told we have to be out of here nightly. that's unfair. we're here to make a profit just like the city is. if you're going to shut down,
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you make bars close early, then raise the rent. >> the committee went ahead and rejected the judged or suddenly he's a democrat, and very soon he's likely to be a candidate. nbc bay area's cheryl hurd. certainly a lot to talk about. >> reporter: a lot, tom. this is so new that he hasn't been able to move to the third floor. there's one thing you can say certain about him. he will answer your questions. >> i truly believe that the criminal justice system.
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george getting comfortable with his new job. >> it provides me a 2009 as police chief after serving in mesa, arizona. he was a longtime republican until last week. >> my political values are much more closely aligned with the democratic party than they are the republican party. >> reporter: politics, he admits he's a political figure but he says he woke break the civil rights of people. >> he's taking the job filled by
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state attorney general carmela harris. she was ridiculed when she refused to give the death went to a man. >> i believe it's a tool that should be used very infrequently i think is treins iblible he'llo pick somebody with deep trial experience so he has credibility. >> reporter: he plans to make his mark with reorganizing the d.a.'s office and clean plan that will take him more than a year to complete. are you going to run in november? >> i will run in november. >> reporter: okay, you heard it here first. some political watchers say that
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he's a political breath of fresh air. others say that he doesn't have a chance to win because he does not have deep political ties here in the city. reporting live in san francisco, i'm cheryl hurd, nbc bay area news. right place, wrong time. cameras capture a gas explosion and the chaos that followed. the pictures next. it's not quite clear summer happens where it happens. nobo nobody. next, go underground and see why scientists are more concerned about what's in store. behind the scenes of "the ig diest laurie.
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we're tracking fog and also details on a warming seven-day forecast. that you don't think
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you're gonna be here till the end, that breaks my heart. when i hear that you don't think you're going to be here till the end, that breaks my heart. push! fight! >> "the biggest loser" getting bigger. meet two new trainers, kara and brett. brett is a trainer to the stars and the force behind that 90-day diet plan. kara is a boxing champion from the big apple. stephanie stanton shows us how they're adding more muscle to the show. >> reporter: for weeks they've been called the unknown. two new trainers whose identities have finally come to light. it's the first time brett and kara have seen themselves on the show. they got to watch their big reveal at a viewing party among friends in hollywood. >> i've still got to pinch myself. it's been a secret and not tell
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anybody over two months and it's been really difficult. >> i can hear you, working out with the contestants. it happened a couple months ago and kind of reliving it, it's pretty crazy. >> reporter: kara is a two-time golden gloves champion who was once ranked number two in the nation. she wants to bring out the inner fighter in each contestant. >> i've learned so much as a fighter, in and out of the ring. so i wanted to share that. and never in a million years did i think i'd be on something like "the biggest loser." >> reporter: while brett is a 15-year fitness veteran and trainer to the stars. he can also be seen in his upcoming dvd in "rev abs." he says he can relate to his candidates. >> lost a lot of friends that way. hard dedication. change the way i thought about myself and sports and turn it around. >> reporter: this season the new trainers have their work cut out for them with the heaviest contestant ever, weighing over 500 pounds. the new trainers must not only
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help their teams but prove themselves. >> there's a lot of pressure. and i feel like we just nailed it. because honestly, our contestants are doing great. >> reporter: stephanie stanton, nbc news. one person was killed. several others injured tonight when a gas line exploded in philadelphia. a smaller but similar blast than the one that rocked san bruno in september. a camera crew was on the scene at the time of the explosion and caught this dramatic video. utility crews and firefighters responded to a report of strong gas odor. it destroyed one building, damaged another and sparked a raging fire. before the explosion, homes and businesses had been evacuated to a red cross shelter as a precaution. well, consider yourself warned. that 4.5 earthquake in the south bay last week, a reminder, scientists say, that we're due for a big one. but the best prediction
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seismologists can give us still is a 6.7 or greater sometime in the next 30 years. and they've been saying that since loma prieta. can't they do better than that? well, as nbc bay area's garvin thomas shows us, one day they might. >> reporter: if you have ever heard of the tiny central coast town, it's most likely because of this. it's where in 1955 james dean died in a car accident. but something else may be about to put it on the map again. something happening deep underground here which has caught the eye of scientists up here. >> this is exciting stuff for me. >> reporter: peggy is one of a team of berkeley seismologists about to embark on a three-year study of tremor activity recently discovered miles underground along the san andreas fault. >> it's not quite clear why tremor happens where it happens. and that's one of the things we're going to look for. >> reporter: first question for us, of course, is what are tremors?
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aren't they just very small earthquakes? >> tremors are places where earthquakes shouldn't be. so they're much deeper in the either. >> reporter: roland bergman is the project's principal investigator. >> earthquake is nothing happening and suddenly boom you get, you know, a big shake. and this is over in a new seconds. a tremor is nothing and then it slowly gets bigger and bigger and just sort of keeps going. and this could go on for hours, for days. >> reporter: and while this may be of great interest to scientists, you may be wondering, why go to all the trouble. why spend three years and more than $1 million studying seismic activity that never toppled a building, buckled a bridge. frankly, never did anything to anyone. >> people always look for things. is there anything we can find that could at least give us a hint of, you know, things are getting ready for one. and tremor is the first thing that we've seen in decades that
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sort of at least might be something. >> it could be an earthquake. >> reporter: but studying tremors will not be easy. one scientist says it's like trying to listen to the rustling of a single leaf when the whole tree is shaking. so that is why come this spring, scientists will be drilling holes hundreds of meters deep, installing sensitive seismometers and other equipment. and if one day they do find a pattern between what tremors do before a big earthquake hits, a giant leap in earthquake forecasting will have been made. and while that may lack the cultural impact of a young movie star's death, the impact on science will likely last just as long, if not longer. in san luis obispo county, garvin thomas. >> fascinating. scary but fascinating. >> a true giant. let's turn things over to
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jeff to talk about this beautiful sunshine that we've been getting. a little cool but still really nice. >> that's right. we'll see more into tomorrow. and one of the great things is we won't have nearly as much fog as we head into tomorrow morning. today was a sweet rebound here with 67 in san jose. los gatos hitting 69 and 65 in livermore after that dense and very dangerous fog. now, right now take a look at this. san francisco from san bruno mountain, clear towards the bay bridge. however, you'll notice that the camera is shaking. that's the thing we'll be dealing with tomorrow. some breezy conditions introduced back across the bay area. also colder this hour as compared to yesterday. right now already 46 in livermore. temperatures in the mid to upper 40s towards the north bay. tomorrow, we'll see that patchy fog. it's mainly for the north bay at this point. a colder start with plenty of low 40s. plenty of sunshine for wednesday. watch out as you drive over the hills possibly on your commute. it's going to be breezy out there.
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and we are going to stay in this unusual dry pattern here. at least for the next five days at this point. high pressure is just offshore. that will bring us more 60s for tomorrow and also that late morning, midday and afternoon sunshine for the east bay, temperatures expected to be in the upper 30s and low 40s as we head throughout 6:00 a.m. and as for tonight, those 40s right up the peninsula and also upper 30s to low 40s in the north bay. let's get you those numbers as we head into the midpart of the week. 65 in morgan hill. 65 in pleasanton. also dublin to danville looking at mid-60s. we'll see upper 50s in pacifica at the coastline. otherwise 63 in san francisco. meanwhile, over towards oakland in downtown, 62 if you're commuting there for work. concord, 63. 64 fairfield. we could even see upper 60s to 70-degree readings in the north bay. not too bad. more anytime on the weather channel on cable and possible travel delays from weather moving across the east coast.
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our seven-day forecast, it stays dry and sunny. as we head throughout turday an, saturday and sunday. we'll be back with more news, weather and sports after this.
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seven years ago, i had this idea. to make baby food the way moms would. happybaby strives to make the best organic baby food. in a business like ours, personal connections are so important. we use our american express open gold card to further those connections. last year we took dozens of trips using membership rewards points to meet with the farmers that grow our sweoes and merchants that sell our product. we've gone from being in 5 stores to 7,500. booming is using points to make connections that grow your business. breakfast for lunch. breakfast for dinner. with three new breakfast lovers dishes, who needs a break from breakfast?
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denny's. america's diner is always open. looking for a pet that will grow with you? how about a pacu fish. it's also called a vegetarian piranha. a woman that brought this into san francisco's animal care and control in a bucket, she said it was just too big. well, right now the fish is about a foot long, but it will get to three feet long and as heavy as 50 pounds.
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and this fish has personality. caretakers are asking aquariums if they are interested in adopting this big fish. but if you have a big tank, this pacu could be yours. lawrence scott is up next with sports.
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good evening. raiders under al davis held court for nearly two hours today. and after a while you kind of forgot that they were introducing a new head coach. but here he is, hue jackson being promoted from offensive coordinator and that part of the story simply took a back seat. jackson played the thing smarter than any raiders head coach in decades. he embraced the silver and black monarchy and said it's refreshing to be able to talk xs and os while repeatedly calling his boss coach davis. then the talk shifted from the on-field product, topics like legal troubles as they relate to former head coach tom cable. more on that in a moment as we
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put the spotlight back on jackson and how it's playoffs or bust. >> there's no question. i mean, i'm not here to be 9-7. i'm not here for that. i'm here to take this team to be the best we can be. and we want to win the afc west. we want to get in the playoffs and challenge for the super bowl. >> al davis is as passionate as ever. the raider nation listening very carefully today to a take on a variety of topics including canning cable and docking his play, plus stadium talk and what responsibility he takes as the team still seeks its first postseason since 2002. >> he knew i could have thrown him out without any money for what he did to the raiders. with the initial stuff with hanson, which supposedly he admitted he hit his wife and things like that. and that's public record. so i can say it. but there are things i can't say.
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because of the legalese about this. we want a stadium. we want a new stadium. we think the best place for a stadium is where the oakland coliseum is right now. as to whether it will happen or not, we have to have, somewhere in the future here, a new stadium. i have made mistakes, yes, there's no question about it. and you've got to have great players. but you also sometimes have the players and don't get it done. so you're saying should i take some of the blame? i certainly do. you guys give it to me. you want me to get it from my wife? i do get it from her. >> mr. davis very engaging today. tonight we also learned that tom cable has already found a new gig before any need for damage control, he joins pete carroll in seattle as an assistant head coach/offensive line coach with the seahawks. mike singletary has also accepted a new job. he is taking on the role of
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linebackers coach with the minnesota vikings. and finally, the giants signed a new deal with cody ross avoiding arbitration for a one-year contract. also signing deals, jonathan sanchez and ramirez, the pitchers. ñññññ+ ñ2ñ2ñ2ñ2ñ2ñ2ñ2ñ2 ó
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rocket scientists! e
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you gave us the space age... but your savings accounts are stuck in the stone age! earn more commodore with interestplus savings at that's new school banking, baby! [ laughs ] instead of earning zilch, your savings will be earning three times the national average. three times more? roger that! go online and sign up at what's in your wallet?! where to sputnik? [ chuckles ]
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coffee, tea and me. a flight attendant got the surprise of her life. a 27-year-old was going about her normal business when her boyfriend came on the intercom and asked her to marry him. she picked up the phone on the other side of the cabin and said yes. cheers from passengers and the crew. yes, the crew was in on the surprise. the couple has been dating for four years. up, up in the air. >> i think i'm going to cry. >> romantic. >> look at that rock. now she's happy. >> that's very nice. >> it is. >> congratulations. >> good night, everybody. >> we'll see you tomorrow. bye-bye.


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